Ski Wentworth Masters Camp

Feb 12-14, 2025


Ski Wentworth

Ski Wentworth has some of the most varied and challenging terrain in the Maritime Provinces.

Wentworth is 815 vertical feet high with 24 alpine trails, 3 terrain parks, ski/snowboard cross and a variety of trails that will challenge any skier from beginner to expert. Our ever-improving snow making system covers 2/3rds of our total terrain and we have night skiing on three trails, Sissy, Rosebowl and Beaver, and lights on Rosebowl Terrain Park.

Ski Wentworth  located in the Wentworth Valley, about 30 minutes northwest of Truro and 40 minutes east of Amherst.


Hostelling International Wentworth - 902-548-2379

Distance to hill - 5 minutes

The Wentworth Hostel will open during Masters camp for a group of up to 22 people for a minimum of 2 nights. First come, first served.

Balmoral Motel - 902-657-2000

Distance to hill - 18 minutes

The Balmoral Motel offers 18 clean and modern units a short distance to the hill. Be sure to tell them you are with Masters Maritimes for a special rate.


Details and Location

February 12-14, 2025 - 38th Annual Masters Maritimes Ski Camp held at Ski Wentworth, NS!

All of our coaching staff has either achieved the CSIA Level IV certification or are enrolled in the CSIA Level IV Academy. For additional info regarding the prestigious CSIA Level IV please click here.

The groups will be assigned prior to the camp according to what level skier you identified with at registration. You’ll be provided with your group # upon check-in on day 1.

Other things to consider:

  • Having well tuned skis will enhance your overall camp experience

  • Bring a change of clothes for any unfortunate wet weather

  • If the hill is open, we will be skiing

Check out some more of our FAQs here.